Aanii Boozhoo!
Niizh Manidook means Two Spirit, in Anishinaabemwin (Ojibwe language).
Niizh Manidook Hide Camp (NMHC) is a cultural revitalization initiative based in the Southern Georgian Bay aimed at restoring and preserving the art of traditional hide tanning in our shared Lake Huron, Erie and Ontario watershed territories.
We are a Two Spirit hide tanning collective creating safer space for Two Spirit/ 2SLGBTQQIAA+ (two spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, androgynous+) youth and Two Spirit/ Indigqueer community members.
We offer Two Spirit hide camps and apprenticeships!
We are funded by Ontario Trillium Foundation's Youth Opportunities Fund. Our 2021 hide camp was funded in part by Laidlaw Foundation. Our 2022 was funded in part by MLSE Foundation. Gchi-miigwech/ Big thank you to our funders for supporting this work and helping us make the camp possible!
Miigwech - Anushik - Nia:wen - Thanks
For Visiting!